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The exact reasons for this anomaly have not yet been identified. Sometimes congenital pathology is the result of exposure to radiation, toxins, and various chemical and physical factors during fetal development. Dolichosigma can also develop if a woman has hadinfection. The correct development of spiriva pills can be disrupted by the use of certain medications by a pregnant woman. Acquired dolichosigma rarely appears in children. The reasons will be as follows.

Congenital or acquired increase in the length of the sigmoid colon underlies the pathogenesis. If there are concomitant pathologies, fibrosis of the intestinal tissue often occurs; as a result, connective tissue replaces normal intestinal tissue. Hyperemia and swelling appear. Muscle fibers grow, as a result of which the intestinal walls are abundantly saturated with tissue fluid. All this disrupts intestinal contraction and weakens its tone. A decrease in contraction processes makes it difficult for feces to buy tiotropium online through the intestines, resulting in constipation. Due to the constant presence of feces in the intestine, the innervation of cells is disrupted, stagnation, pain and intoxication develop.

Symptoms occur as the intestines fill with feces and the body becomes intoxicated. The intensity of the disease is directly proportional to the degree of morphological and functional disorders in the intestine. In comparison with other gastrointestinal pathologies, dolichosigma is represented by bright characteristic symptoms. Here are a few of them. Sometimes the anomaly is completely asymptomatic and is discovered by chance either during a routine preventive examination or during a diagnostic study associated with another gastrointestinal problem. But, as a rule, the symptoms mentioned above occur and bring serious discomfort to the sick child.

A child with dolichosigma becomes lethargic, capricious, cries all the time and refuses to eat. The main symptom is constipation with gradually increasing frequency. This is usually due to the transition to mixed feeding or the introduction of complementary foods, which entails a change in the consistency of stool and an increase in its quantity. Most affected children have functional disorders of other parts of the gastrointestinal tract. diverticular disease, colitis, dysbacteriosis, pancreatitis, biliary dyskinesia, chronic gastroduodenitis, etc. There are three stages of abnormal elongation of tiotropium pills.